A glossary of medical terms
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Say: a d h d

ADHD is short for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Kids who have ADHD find it difficult to pay attention and are hyperactive, which means they might have trouble sitting still. About one in 20 kids have ADHD.



Say: uh-dik-shun

An addiction is an urge to do something that is hard to control or stop. If you use cigarettes, alcohol, or drugs like marijuana (weed), cocaine, and heroin, you could become addicted to them. They can really hurt you and could even kill you.



Say: air-ways

The airways in your lungs are like tubes or straws. The air flows in and out of them so you can breathe. They're also called bronchial (say: brong-kee-ul) tubes or bronchi (say: brong-kye).


Say: al-kuh-hah-lik

An alcoholic is someone who frequently drinks too much alcohol and can't stop. When people drink too much, they can become drunk and may not realize what they're doing. Sometimes it can be scary to see someone who's an alcoholic because the person may say or do things that hurt other people. If you think someone close to you might have a problem with alcohol, talk to a grown-up you trust.


Say: al-ur-jee

Achoo! Many things can trigger allergies, like pollen, certain animals, foods, or a bee sting. Allergies can make your eyes water and your nose run, make your skin itchy and bumpy, make your throat and ears sore, and make your tummy ache. They can even give you diarrhea . . . gross! But don't worry. If you have an allergy, you can go to a special doctor called an allergist who will make sure you feel better again.

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